Funded Projects

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2023: Funded Programs and Giving


Total Giving in 2023

$ 2+ MM

Allocated to Partners and Programs Since 2019

$11 MM 

Endowment Fund for Sustained Giving


Disbursement Quota


Charities Supported in 2023 


Unique Charity Partners Since 2019

Childhood Cancer Research and Programs

DECRYPT: Defeating Embryonal Cancer in Young People Together 

In December 2023, the inaugural DECRYPT Grant was awarded to Dr. Annie Huang from SickKids and her team for:

A C17 Babybrains DECRYPT feasibility trial for children under 6 years old with high-risk embryonal brain tumours

The ACTION Consortium: Funding Neuroblastoma Cancer Research

Childhood Blood Cancer Research Innovation Grant (2022-2024)

100% Fund Grants

The “100% Fund” is a childhood cancer research grant managed by the C17 Council where every dollar raised goes towards research and no administrative fees are taken at any step in the process.  For 2023, Kindred was able to co-fund two 100% Fund grants due to the incredible support from Project Kindness 2023 - a fundraiser with CMLS Financial and Intellifi Corporation.

The first 100% Fund grant focuses on rhabdomyosarcoma, a very hard-to-cure childhood cancer.  This research grant is jointly funded by four childhood cancer charities – Fight Like Mason Foundation, Eli’s Childhood Cancer Foundation, Kindred Foundation, and Team Finn Foundation.

The second 100% Fund grant focuses on osteosarcoma, the same cancer that Terry Fox had with treatments unchanged for children and young adults in over 30 years.  This is jointly funded by The AnnFrances Tropea Foundation, Kindred Foundation, and Childhood Cancer Canada. The 100% Fund grant provides $100,000 over two years to improve treatment outcomes, treatment options, and/or quality of life.

Learn more about how Kindred Foundation is funding childhood cancer initiatives

Cancer Support Programs

Treats & Treasures Cart

U-Link Patient and Family Fund

Family Support Package Program:

SickKids Oncology Resource Navigator: 

Youth Mental and Physical Health

Mental and Physical Health Initiatives Supported by Kindred

Fit ABCS Clinical Trial by the Mabbott Lab at SickKids: Funding for a clinical trial examining the effectiveness of the Fit ABCS online portal that aims to promote brain repair for childhood brain tumour survivors by fostering physical activity.  Kindred Foundation also helped fund the development of the Fit ABCS online portal.

Adventure4Change: Address issues related to poverty and inequity for children, youth, and families. A4C serves racialized families living in Waterloo, Ontario through youth programming, leadership development, and community building.

It Gets Better Canada: To uplift, empower, and connect Two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (2SLGBTQ+) youth across Canada through storytelling and building community.  It Gets Better Canada (IGBC) highlights stories of hope, resilience, and determination from the 2SLGBTQ+ community and their allies.

Just Be You:  Peer-based mental health support for youth at two locations in Halton that is youth-led and youth-focused.  Focus on mental wellness through peer support and social recreation, including exploring strengths and learning wellness strategies.

Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council: The Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council is a community-based non-profit working to improve awareness of and engagement in suicide prevention within the Waterloo region and beyond to reduce suicide and its impact. 

Youth Mental Health Grant:


Community Support

Kindred Foundation Program: 

Kindred Cares Grant:

Cancer Support Programs: 

SickKids Oncology Resource Navigator: 

Childhood Cancer Canada Benevolent Fund:

Wellspring Cancer Support: 

Food Security: 

Burlington Friday Meal and Hub (Ontario): A collective dining experience surrounded by mental and physical health supports for families and individuals experiencing food insecurity in Burlington, Ontario and surrounding area.  Kindred provides operational support and in-person volunteer hours.

YWCA Peterborough and Haliburton Nourish Program (Ontario): Nourish combines dignified access to nutritious food, gardening, and cooking skills along with programming designed to empower individuals to advocate for themselves and others and grow a just food system for all.

Weston Area Emergency Support (WAES) (Ontario): A collaboration of local churches in the Weston, Ontario area provides a food bank for individuals and families experiencing food insecurity. 

Making A Difference Annual Reports

Each January, Kindred Foundation publishes a report that outlines the ways we were able to make a difference over the year.