Board of Directors and Governance
Board of Directors
Brydon Cruise | Founder, Director and Board Member
Brydon spent 25 years in the investment banking business with the opportunity to travel and see the world. One of the outcomes was seeing firsthand the needs in the world and the struggles people have to sustain, survive and progress. Giving back became important and supporting many charities over the years has been an exciting and fulfilling part of his journey. He was the Vice-Chair of the Board for YMCA Greater Toronto Area for 6 years, Chair of The Toronto Real Estate Ride for JDRF for five years and has been a Top Fundraiser for Coast to Coast - Tour for Kids for the past nine years. By far, the most rewarding endeavour is being a part of the founding team of Kindred Foundation & Tecasy Ranch. “The people we can help and programs we can deliver are endless. We have the opportunity and possibly the duty to help others - and we will.”
Brydon’s commitment to Kindred Foundation & Tecasy Ranch has an off-shoot benefit for him, as it has inspired spending more enriching time with his wife Stacey, the other board members, and a large group of volunteers.
Stacey Cruise | Founder, Director and Board Member
Growing up in Scarborough, in a middle-class family, I had no thoughts of ever being in a position to be a part of forming a Foundation. In my adult life, volunteering at Wellspring Cancer Foundation and being involved with Just Be You, a peer-to-peer support program for youth mental health, solidified my desire to give of my time and money. When able to more significantly lend a helping hand, Kindred Foundation was created. I am humbled by the courage and strength shown by individuals managing difficult journeys in life.
My active involvement with the Foundation and administratively managing Tecasy Ranch and Tecasy Beach keeps me on my toes. In my spare time I enjoy reading, hockey and, my love of nature has me often found on my mountain bike.
With two grown children me and my husband, Brydon, split our time between Oakville and Buckhorn Ontario.
Dr. Jonathan Mallory | Board Member
Family Physician, Buckhorn Regional Health Centre
Palliative Care Physician, Hospice Peterborough
I feel privileged to be a member of Kindred Foundation’s Board. It’s a special opportunity, to join an inspiring group of people.
I am a physician with family practices in the cottage country town of Buckhorn, Ontario and another in the First Nation community of Curve Lake. In the last few years, I have developed an interest in palliative care, and this has gradually become the main focus of my work. Our multi-disciplinary team provides palliation in hospital, hospice, and whenever possible in the family’s own home.
My wife Liz and I were born and raised in Peterborough, Ontario, and after several years working in northern Ontario, we returned to the area. We have 3 children and 3 dogs, all of whom are enjoying life at the cottage which has recently become our permanent home. We enjoy sports and the outdoors through all seasons and feel fortunate to be able to live so close to nature.
I am excited to be a part of Kindred - it is a thrill to join an organization working towards a healthier world.
Dr. Vicki Kristman | Board Member
Director, EPID@Work Research Institute
Associate Professor, Lakehead University
I am currently the Director of the EPID@Work (Enhancing the Prevention of Injury and Disability@Work) Research Institute at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay. I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Sciences at Lakehead University and the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, and am also an Adjunct Scientist at the Institute for Work & Health in downtown Toronto. The majority of my research is about finding ways for those who are restricted by injury or illness, including mental health issues, to actively participate in the workforce.
After moving all around Southern Ontario for my education (Guelph, Kingston, Toronto), I have spent the last 10 years in Thunder Bay. I love playing sports, including hockey, softball, and golf. I also enjoy mountain biking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking and backcountry camping trips. Currently, I can be found sprinting behind my little Shih Tzu puppy, Benny, while trying to train him how to properly go for a walk.
As an epidemiologist who leads an active research program in injury and disability prevention, I recognize the importance of philanthropic contributions to advance the understanding of health and approaches to improving health and am excited to be a part of Kindred Foundation.
Doug Ranton | Board Member
Retired Guidance Counsellor and Physical Education Teacher, Waterloo Collegiate Institute
It is truly an honour to join the board of the Kindred Foundation. Their mission, vision and purpose is truly making a difference for the health and well-being of our greater community.
I am a retired guidance counsellor and physical and health education teacher. In 2014, Sandra, our son Trevor and myself had our lives turned upside down when we lost our son Jacob to suicide. A huge part of our grieving process has been our involvement in suicide awareness, education and prevention as well as supporting others who have experienced a loss to suicide. Brydon and Stacey have walked this journey with us and have supported our fundraising endeavours. I am looking forward to working with the board on each of their pillars of support but will have a keen interest in the Mental and Physical Health pillar.
Sandra and I built a house in beautiful St. Marys upon retirement in 2019. It allows us to stay close to friends and family in Waterloo, but also be closer to Sandra’s family in the London area. We spend many hours on the golf course and curling rink as well as volunteering in our new community. We also love to hike and are about three quarters done hiking the Bruce Trail from end to end.
I am so excited to be part of the Kindred Foundation and look forward to supporting the health of our community!
Overall, Kindred Foundation holds itself to high ethical standards for all staff, board members, and volunteers and in all of its internal and external relationships and interactions.
Kindred Foundation Giving Committee
The Kindred Foundation Giving Committee is responsible for making all granting and giving decisions for Kindred Foundation. The process and decisions around the disbursement of the proceeds from the Foundation will be determined by the Giving Committee which is a structure of the Board of Directors.
All disbursement decisions will be examined through several lenses:
The Foundation’s giving policy and core values
Donor advisement and wishes
Foundation funding requirements
Financial allocations across the Foundation's three pillars of support
Responsibility for the approval of disbursements & donation matching are all decided through the Giving Committee. Disbursements above a defined threshold also require approval of the full Board of Directors.
Kindred Foundation Investment Committee
The Investment Committee is a structure of the Board of Directors. The Investment Committee is responsible for the fiscal and financial investments held by Kindred Foundation. The Investment Committee is made up of members of the Board and where necessary, ex officio and expert invited members.