Making a Difference 2023
Making a Difference: 2023
Thank you, 2023. You were a year of meaningful conversations, brilliant fun, and beautiful partnerships. Our gratitude for the last year is immense. 2023, you helped to bring our vision and values into crisper view; and gave us even more opportunities to care, serve, and act.
We care deeply for the well-being of people and children, specifically those who are impacted by health and life challenges. We value diversity, inclusion, and compassion in every aspect of our work. Overall, kindness and compassion are at the heart of everything we do. Our hearts are filled when we connect with people and focus on unity, not division.
We are continually working to understand and learn from communities with unmet needs so we can work together to develop a vision and strategy that will address inequities and provide meaningful support. This is accomplished by listening to the quietest person in the room, seeking out a diversity of voices, looking at the problem and possible solutions from multiple angles, and ensuring that community members are co-decision makers through the entire process.
We don’t shy away from tough and, dare we say, “intractable” problems. We put checks in place so we don’t get paralyzed by the details; we act when we see a pathway to a solution. When you know your why, the how is the focus. We see beauty in creative solutions and recognize these come with hard work and unseen sacrifices. If we see that others have a solution, we are there to support them. If we have a solution, we look for others to partner with us.
We Pride Ourselves on Doing Things Differently
We believe that there is NO competition in charity. We will always be stronger and able to do more when we work together with other charities, organizations, and people. Partnership and collaboration, within Canada and internationally, are critical.
Our endowment fund is expertly designed and managed, using advanced and balanced investing that regularly builds revenue back into the endowment fund to ensure its growth.
We have a strong mission-centric infrastructure that can effectively, expertly, and positively manage philanthropic capital of any size and type.
We can provide more than funding to our charity partners. We can provide access to a natural outdoor event space called Tecasy Ranch, operational feedback, in-person volunteer hours, connections to other partners, and more if needed.
We engage in participatory decision-making when operating in areas where we do not have direct expertise. We believe in giving the power to decide how our funds will be allocated to those who represent the communities in which we are working. Our partners and guides help ensure funds go to trusted and meaningful initiatives in the communities they support.
2023, You Were Awesome
Three themes kept us grounded and guided over 2023:
Don’t Go It Alone
You can do more through partnership and collaboration.
Be Reactive and Proactive at the Same Time
A coordinated long and short-term strategy supports the now and the future together.
Act with Purpose and Love
When you know your why, the focus is on the how, but you can’t forget your why.
We continue to focus on our three pillars:
A Quick Recap of 2023
Looking at the Numbers
Kindred Foundation is a registered Canadian charity dedicated to funding health research and programs primarily focused on children, adolescents and young adults. To ensure sustainable giving, Kindred Foundation is built on a solid financial endowment model with 100% of receipted donations directed towards the charitable purpose. We maintain low overhead to achieve effective impact.
Total Giving for 2023
Disbursement Quota
(5% required)
$2.1 Million
Total Giving Since Inception
Charities Supported in 2023
$10 million
Endowment Fund Value
Unique Charities Supported
Since Inception
To boldly advance cures, treatments, and supports for children and adults experiencing health and life challenges in our community.
Supporting the now while providing funding for an improved tomorrow.
Charitable giving at Kindred Foundation has increased each year. In 2021, we transitioned from a private to a public foundation.
For 2024, giving will continue to increase due to the endowment fund's growth, and we aim to give away close to $1 million.
Over 2023, we integrated two charitable partners within Kindred Foundation, allowing for lower shared overhead and admin costs, while providing a unique and sustainable organizational structure that allows multiple groups to work together efficiently and effectively to tackle common issues.
Phoebe Rose Rocks
Founded in 2016 in memory of Phoebe Rose Doull-Hoffman, the Phoebe Rose Rocks Foundation raises awareness and funds for childhood cancer research and in support of families travelling for treatment.
After seven years, Phoebe Rose Rocks Foundation decided to integrate with Kindred Foundation in 2023.
Phoebe Rose Rocks Foundation and Kindred Foundation have worked closely together over the past few years, and both Foundations are closely aligned in their missions (U-Link Patient and Family Fund and the DECRYPT Research Grant).
Phoebe Rose Rocks remains focused on its mission and quest for a cure for every child with cancer. They will still have the same presence where they will host fundraising events, support families travelling for treatment, fund research for hard-to-cure cancers, and raise awareness. However, funds donated to Phoebe Rose Rocks will now be directed through Kindred Foundation. The Phoebe Rose Rocks Foundation board members will join a committee with members of Kindred Foundation to make funding decisions. Kindred Foundation will also run the Family Support Package program started by the Phoebe Rose Rocks Foundation.
Eli’s Childhood Cancer Foundation
Founded in 2021 in memory of Eli Martins, Eli's Childhood Cancer Foundation's mission is to help families battling childhood cancer and fund research for more treatment options focusing on rhabdomyosarcoma.
In 2023, Kindred Foundation and Eli's Childhood Cancer Foundation partnered to create Eli's Committee.
Members from Kindred and Eli's Childhood Cancer Foundation formed a joint committee focused on raising funds for childhood cancer research. Eli's Childhood Cancer Foundation remains focused on its mission, and any funds donated through Kindred Foundation for Eli's Committee will continue to support their work.
CMLS Financial
Great partnerships happen when amazing people come together to make a difference. We are incredibly lucky to partner with CMLS Financial and Intellifi Corporation– two organizations full of fantastic individuals dedicated to helping others. We are immensely grateful for their trust, kindness, and friendship.
This summer, we had our second year of Project Kindness, where CMLS Financial and Intellifi Corporation raised funds for two new childhood cancer research grants. There was a silent auction, raffles, individual fundraising, and the very popular pie-in-the-face. At the end of the summer, groups in both Vancouver and Toronto engaged in a 5 km walk, a 10 km run, or a 50 km bike ride, and a celebration lunch.
$41,000 was raised for childhood cancer research during Project Kindness in 2023.
$34,000 was raised during Project Kindness in 2022.
CMLS Financial and Intellifi Corporation have raised a total of
$75,000 for childhood cancer research!
This is phenomenal and fills all of our hearts at Kindred Foundation.
The $41,000 raised will go towards funding two childhood cancer research grants, called the “100% Fund Grant,” over 2023-2024 – one that funds research for rhabdomyosarcoma and another that funds research for osteosarcoma. Each grant is co-funded with other Canadian charities, providing $100,000 over two years for each project.
Support for Choice Properties
During 2023, Kindred Foundation supported Choice Properties with their Choice Cares community involvement program where colleagues volunteer their time and raise funds for charities. The Choice Cares campaign raised funds for charities across Canada with the theme of empowering children in low-income communities. We were pleased to be able to support the Choice Cares program.
Childhood, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Research and Programs
It is a universal truth that cancer is an awful disease.
Scientific discovery must continue to move forward to make progress in the areas of efficient cancer diagnosis, targeted treatments that reduce the severity of long-term side effects, and effective therapies for relapsed and refractory (hard-to-cure) cancers. These three areas, individually and together, are significant and complex problems that science must continually challenge.
By working together, we can address the questions that still do not have answers.
We can find faster and better ways to diagnose and monitor the disease that can be as simple as a blood sample.
We can take today’s treatments and improve them for tomorrow so that surviving cancer does not mean a lifetime of debilitating long-term effects.
We can provide patients with effective treatment options if the cancer returns or does not respond to conventional therapies; this should not mean that all hope is lost.
When a child is diagnosed with cancer, this feels especially hard to understand. Unfortunately, cancer is the number one cause of death by disease among Canadian children, killing more children than all other diseases combined. For the children who survive, most will live with a lifetime of long-term effects from the treatments they received to cure their cancer.
At Kindred, we invest in science to find answers to tough problems. In 2023, we continued our commitment to funding childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer research.
Kindred Foundation and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada
Kindred provided the second year of funding to two pediatric blood cancer research grants co-funded with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC). A final update on this work will be provided in 2024, and we look forward to sharing the accomplishments.
Dr. Cynthia Guidos at the Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto): Identifying the Genetic Changes that Lead to Ruxolitinib Resistance. ($100,000 total)
Dr. Florian Kuchenbauer at BC Cancer (Vancouver): MiR-193a-Based LNP Drug Treatment for Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia (pAML). ($100,000 total)
DECRYPT Childhood Embryonal Brain Tumour Research Grant
The inaugural DECRYPT Grant is awarded to Dr. Annie Huang from SickKids and her team for:
A C17 Babybrains DECRYPT feasibility trial for children under 6 years old with high-risk embryonal brain tumours
DECRYPT Partners
DECRYPT: 2023 Update
In December 2023, the DECRYPT charity partners were exceptionally proud to be able to announce Dr. Annie Huang and her cross-Canada team as the DECRYPT grant awardee.
Cancerous brain tumours in children are the second most common pediatric cancer, and the most deadly. Childhood embryonal brain tumours include atypical teratoid/ rhabdoid tumour (ATRT), embryonal tumour with multilayered rosettes (ETMR), medulloblastoma, and others. 20-25% of pediatric primary brain tumours are embryonal cancers.
Advance the current understanding of how to treat, diagnose and/or monitor childhood embryonal brain cancer.
Grow Canadian expertise in pediatric embryonal tumours and expand that expertise across Canada.
Conduct research that is meaningful to patients and prioritize the translation of research from the laboratory to the clinic.
A $600,000 CAD grant provided over 4 years to Dr. Annie Huang at the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)
Raised by 6 Charity Partners
(Including Kindred)
Matched by the Cancer Research Society
Committed by Kindred
Only ~7% of all cancer research funding goes to childhood cancer research.
We are changing this through partnership.
Promised Childhood Cancer Research Funding for 2024 and Beyond
100% Fund Grants: Rhabdomyosarcoma and Osteosarcoma
The “100% Fund” is a childhood cancer research grant managed by the C17 Council where every dollar raised goes towards research and no administrative fees are taken at any step in the process. For 2023, Kindred was able to co-fund two 100% Fund grants due to the incredible support from Project Kindness 2023 - a fundraiser with CMLS Financial and Intellifi Corporation.
The first 100% Fund grant focuses on rhabdomyosarcoma, a very hard-to-cure childhood cancer. This research grant is jointly funded by four childhood cancer charities – Fight Like Mason Foundation, Eli’s Childhood Cancer Foundation, Kindred Foundation, and Team Finn Foundation.
The second 100% Fund grant focuses on osteosarcoma, the same cancer that Terry Fox had with treatments unchanged for children and young adults in over 30 years. This is jointly funded by The AnnFrances Tropea Foundation, Kindred Foundation, and Childhood Cancer Canada.
The 100% Fund grant provides $100,000 over two years to improve treatment outcomes, treatment options, and/or quality of life.
ACTION Consortium Grant
Advancing Clinical Trial Implementation and Optimization in Neuroblastoma
ACTION Partners
ACTION: 2023 Update
Over 2023, the ACTION Consortium accepted letters of intent, and after expert review, one proposal moved forward to be developed into a full application. The final application was submitted at the end of 2023 and will be peer-reviewed in early 2024. This grant aims to accelerate the development of treatments and clinical trials for children with relapsed and hard-to-cure neuroblastoma cancer.
$2.7 million
Total Grant Size (CAD)
Funding from Kindred
The largest charity-driven neuroblastoma research grant.
Collaboration across Europe, the UK, the USA, and Canada.
Grant provided over 4 years, 2024-2028.
Kindred Foundation’s investment ensures that this research will happen in Canada and Canadian children will have access.
The ACTION Consortium Grant is Kindred Foundation’s largest financial commitment to childhood cancer research so far.
Childhood, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancer Programs
In 2023, Kindred Foundation:
Launched 2 new Treats & Treasures Carts - at BC Children’s Hospital and Cancer Care Manitoba. We now have 5 Treats & Treasures Carts across Canada!
Integrated the Family Support Package program from Phoebe Rose Rocks that provides $350 in gift cards to families to help with expenses when they must travel more than 150 km to access treatment.
Continued to support families travelling to access treatment through the U-Link Patient and Family Fund in partnership with Phoebe Rose Rocks. We expanded the criteria to allow more families to access the fund and increased the support from $1,500/year to $2,000/year.
Provided a sponsorship donation to the SIOP 2023 international pediatric oncology conference in Ottawa to help support researchers from low and middle-income countries to attend SIOP.
Cancer treatment is extremely difficult. For children with cancer, it can mean years of chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, immunotherapy, and other therapies to try and cure their disease. The toll on the child and their family can be immense, with many families struggling emotionally, socially, financially, and more. Patients and families often have to travel long distances to access a hospital with the treatments that are required - within provinces, across provinces, and to other countries.
At Kindred, we fund childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer research because we need more and better treatments for kids in the future. We also fund programs that support children and their families during treatment to help ease a small amount of the burden they are experiencing now. The charitable initiatives and programs that we funded in 2023 in the area of cancer:
Oncology Resource Navigator
Kindred Foundation provided funding for the third year for one of the two pediatric oncology Resource Navigator positions at SickKids. The Resource Navigators provide guidance to patients and families on issues such as travel and financial support. ($83,333/year, $250,000 total over 3 years)
Childhood Cancer Canada Benevolent Fund
Childhood Cancer Canada’s (CCC) Benevolent Fund provides funding support to families to help pay for funeral costs if a child dies from cancer. Kindred Foundation is the lead charitable partner and provided funding for the second year in 2023. ($50,000/year, $100,000 to date)
Wellspring Cancer Support
Kindred provides an unrestricted donation to Wellspring, a Canadian organization offering programs and services to anyone with any type of cancer at no charge or referral. ($25,000, $75,000 total to date)
Treats & Treasures Cart
The Treats & Treasures Cart is a special joy for children receiving cancer treatment. The Cart is filled with an assortment of toys, healthy snacks, and candy. It is brought to children and families in the hematology and oncology ward every week and daily in the oncology clinic – all at no cost to them.
The Treats & Treasures Cart is not only for the child who is in cancer treatment, but also for everyone in the room – parents, caregivers, siblings, and grandparents. It provides something small but so meaningful.
The Treats & Treasures Cart is a Program Run in Partnership by:
Treats & Treasures Cart: 2023 Update
Two new Treats & Treasures Carts were launched in 2023:
BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver – Launched January 2023.
HSC Winnipeg/Cancer Care Manitoba in Winnipeg – Launched July 2023
Treats & Treasures Cart Details
Kindred Foundation and The EVAN Foundation purchase the medical-grade Cart and provide a yearly stipend so hospitals can keep the Cart fully stocked. Hospitals have complete decision-making power regarding what goes on the Cart. Child Life manages the Cart and completes weekly inpatient visits and daily visits to outpatient clinics. There are over 20 Treats & Treasures Carts around the world!
participating Canadian hospitals
inpatient visits per year
outpatient visits per year
Stollery Children’s Hospital (Edmonton, AB)
The first Canadian hospital to join the program.
Alberta Children’s Hospital (Calgary, AB)
Launched July 2022.
Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital (Sask, SK)
The Cart is for the entire hospital. Launched July 2022.
BC Children’s Hospital (Vancouver, BC)
Launched January 2023.
HSC Winnipeg/Cancer Care Manitoba (Winnipeg, Man) Launched July 2023.
The inspiration behind the Treats & Treasures Cart is Evan Lindberg. Evan was a boy who “lived every day with joy in his heart, compassion in his soul, and love and laughter as his guiding stars.” Evan passed away in 2010 after a 4- year battle with stage IV high-risk neuroblastoma cancer.
U-Link Patient and Family Fund
The U-Link Patient and Family Fund is a financial program for families across Canada who must travel to access treatment through clinical trials for children, adolescents, and young adults with cancer. Clinical trials often allow access to innovative therapies that may not be otherwise available.
Having a child in cancer treatment is hard enough. When a family must travel long distances to access a clinical trial, this creates even more challenges. Families should not have to worry about the extra costs that come with travel so they can stay focused on what really matters, their child.
U-Link Patient and Family Fund Details
For children and young adults with cancer who must travel 150 km or more to access treatment. The fund covers costs such as accommodations and food; $2,000 on average is given to families.
The application is simple, and the reimbursement process is streamlined to reduce stress on the family during this difficult time. eTransfers are provided within 5 days of submitting receipts.
The fund is managed by a committee with membership from the two charities and a pediatric oncologist. All applications are reviewed confidently, with guidance from the child’s care team.
The U-Link Patient and Family Fund and the Family Support Package Programs are Run in Partnership:
Family Support Package Program
When a child, adolescent, or young adult is diagnosed with cancer, the economic impact on the patient and family is enormous. A package of gift cards is given to families by their Social Worker when they need it most to bring a little relief and joy.
Inside the Family Support Package
$200 Visa Card
$50 Grocery Card
$25 Coffee Card
$50 Gas Card
$25 Amazon Card
$350 is provided to help with expenses and bring a little joy to childhood cancer patients and their families.
The Family Support Package Program is available to hospitals across Canada that provide care to children, adolescents, and young adults with cancer.
Youth Mental and Physical Health
Throughout 2023, there was a consistent spotlight on the mental health struggles confronting youth in Canada and globally. The challenges faced by young people are profound, placing considerable strain on healthcare systems striving to meet their evolving needs. In 2023, Kindred Foundation funded several initiatives focused on youth mental and physical health:
Addresses issues related to poverty and inequity for racialized children, youth, and families living in Waterloo, Ontario through youth programming and community building. ($25,000 in 2023, $50,000 total to date)
It Gets Better Canada
Uplifting and empowering Two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (2SLGBTQ+) youth across Canada through storytelling and building community. ($15,000 in 2023, $80,000 total to date)
Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council
The Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council works to improve awareness of and engagement in suicide prevention within the Waterloo region. ($10,000 in 2023, $35,000 total to date)
Kindred Foundation provides multi-year scholarships to students from marginalized communities to help them realize their educational dreams. Multi-year funding is provided directly to the student.
Scholarships: 2023 Update
Kindred Foundation x Adventure4Change Scholarship
Supporting academic achievement of Adventure4Change alumni
Each student receives $4,000/year for up to 4 years Supports 2 new students/year Started in 2022
Now supporting 3 students
Run by Kindred Foundation
Black Education Fund Roster Scholarship
Supports Black students studying in the area(s) of mental health and/or health sciences - one scholarship for a 2SLGBTQ+ student
Each student receives $1,000/year for up to 4 years
Supports 5 new students/year
Started in 2022
Now supporting 9 students
Black Business and Professional Association
Supporting Black students studying in the area(s) of mental health and/or health sciences
Each student receives $2,000/year for up to 4 years
Started in 2022
Now supporting 2 students
Youth Mental Health Grant 2023
The Kindred Foundation Youth Mental Health Grant supports organizations directly assisting Black and/or 2SLGBTQ+ youth communities with mental health challenges. The grant supports initiatives across Canada, with a focus on grassroots organizations. Started in 2022, this annual grant utilizes a streamlined submission process to reduce the application burden on organizations.
Kindred Foundation is honoured to be guided by The Black Health Alliance and It Gets Better Canada. Utilizing a community-driven philanthropy approach, The Black Health Alliance and It Gets Better Canada helped design the youth mental health grant. Each year, all organizations review applications and decide on grant awardees.
Youth Mental Health Grant: 2023 Update
Applications received in 2023
Grants provided since 2022
Applications funded in 2023
Unique organizations supported since 2022
Funding provided in 2023
Given to date through a competitive expert and peer-review process
Initiatives Funded by the Kindred Foundation Youth Mental Health Grant in 2023
Black Men’s Therapy Fund (ON): “We Are Each Other's Harvest: Storytelling and gardening as pathways to Black flourishing and mental wellness.”
The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (ON): “Youth Network Project: Black 2SLGBTQ+ Youth Connect” creating safe spaces for Black queer and trans youth.
Prince Edward Island Writers’ Guild (PEI): “Queer Youth Writing Club for youth and allies aged 12- 18” resulting in a published collection of work.
QMUNITY (BC): “BBB Program: gender-affirming garments for youth.”
Quadrangle LGBTQ Community Centre (NL): “The Quadrangle Community Counselling Line” provides 200+ hours of mental health counselling to youth.
Truly Alive Youth and Family Foundation (SK): “Resilient Youth Cafe: Holistic Wellbeing Program for Youth” teaching cooking, physical health, mental health, and peer-based socio-recreational support.
Kindred Foundation also donated to Weston Frontlines for their “What’s On My Plate?” program, which teaches kitchen and cooking skills to youth from marginalized communities in Weston, Ontario.
Community Support
Community is founded on relationships rooted in trust, belonging, and mutual care. Vibrant communities forge connections and establish systems that support the well-being of individuals and families, fostering both healing and growth. Neglecting crucial elements that contribute to community strength can have profound consequences for its overall health. Kindred is directing its attention to two pivotal aspects of community support: addressing food insecurity and enhancing end-of-life care for children and adults.
Food Insecurity
Rising food costs continued to be a major issue into 2023, creating significant challenges for individuals and families. This situation has placed considerable strain on food banks, meal programs, and other initiatives aimed at tackling food insecurity in Canada. The following are the food insecurity programs that Kindred Foundation supported in 2023:
Burlington Friday Meal and Hub (Ontario)
A collective dining experience surrounded by mental and physical health supports for families and individuals experiencing food insecurity in Burlington, Ontario and area. Kindred provides operational support and in-person volunteer hours. ($20,000 in 2023, $130,000 total to date)
YWCA Peterborough and Haliburton Nourish Program (Ontario)
Nourish combines dignified access to nutritious food, gardening, cooking skills, and programming designed to empower individuals to advocate for themselves and others and grow a just food system for all. ($10,000 in 2023, $25,000 total to date)
Weston Area Emergency Support (Ontario)
A collaboration of local churches in the Weston, Ontario area provides food for individuals and families experiencing food insecurity. WAES had over 30,000 visits in 2023. ($20,000 in 2023, $40,000 total to date)
Hospice and End-of-Life Care for Children and Adults
To date, Kindred has donated over $230,000 to impactful projects and programs in hospice, palliative, and end-of-life care for children and adults across Canada. The following provides more information on our Kindred Cares Grant for pediatric and adult hospice and palliative care programs.
Kindred Cares Grant 2023
Hospice and palliative care are interdisciplinary, holistic approaches that relieve suffering and improve the quality of life for individuals with life-limiting conditions. Accessing hospice and palliative care programs in Canada can be difficult; there are only a handful of dedicated pediatric hospices in Canada.
In 2021, we established the Kindred Cares Grant to fund operations, programs, projects, and/or research in hospice, palliative, and end-of-life care for children and adults with life-limiting conditions.
Kindred Cares Grant: 2023 Update
Applications received in 2023
children and adult hospice and palliative care initiatives supported since 2021
Applications funded in 2023
Unique organizations supported since 2021
Funding provided in 2023 through the Kindred Cares Grant
Given to date through a competitive expert and peer-review process
Kindred Cares Grant Details
The Kindred Cares grant was created to:
Support Canadian community-based hospice and palliative care.
Assist with research, projects, programs, and/or operations related to palliative care for children with life-limiting conditions across Canada and adults in Ontario.
Some Examples of Initiatives Funded by Kindred Cares Grant in 2023
Emily’s House: Emily’s House at Home program provides integrated and consistent care to the child and family where they are – at home, in the hospital, or in the hospice.
Heart of Hastings Hospice: Equipment lending program and caregiver meal support.
McMaster Children’s Hospital: 3D ultrasounds for families who will not be able to make memories with their child.
Hospice Northwest: Expansion of their Helping Us Understand Grief Program for children.
Roger Neilson House: Expansion of grief services for pediatric patients and families in Ottawa and surrounding area.
Darling Home for Kids: Support for their hospice palliative care program.
Canuck Place: Enhanced community care program supporting families across BC and the Yukon.
In 2023, Kindred Foundation funded Hospice Peterborough’s Family Grief Retreat at Tecasy Ranch, and made operational donations to Journey Home Hospice and Huron Shores Hospice.
New Initiatives in 2024, As We Know So Far
Without question, we will continue to be guided by our values, our belief in partnership, and our desire to make a difference in the lives of others. In 2024, we look forward to funding more childhood cancer research, expanding our programs, creating more opportunities to collaborate, and administering our two grants.
We look forward to seeing how the ACTION grant will unfold. We will be funding more 100% Fund grants with the C17 Council and charity partners across Canada. We will work with the Everest in the Alps fundraising campaign and build a new strategy around funding research into childhood and young adult glioma (DLGNT) brain tumours.
We are working on expanding our youth mental and physical health pillar to include youth living with a physical disability. We will continue to develop our understanding of the unmet needs within this community and how Kindred can play a role. We will survey youth and their caregivers to learn directly from them, with their input directly shaping our strategy.
With Immense Gratitude for Our Donors and Supporters
Kindness is about human connection, serving as a powerful force that transcends cultural, social, and linguistic boundaries. It is the cornerstone of compassion, fostering empathy and understanding in a world often marked by differences. Acts of kindness not only brighten someone's day but also create a ripple effect, inspiring others to pay it forward. In both personal and professional spheres, kindness cultivates positive relationships, enhances teamwork, and contributes to a harmonious community. Practicing kindness has tangible benefits for one's mental and physical well-being, underscoring its pivotal role in promoting a healthier and happier society. In a world that can be challenging and unpredictable, embracing kindness becomes a beacon of light, reminding us of our shared humanity and the transformative power of simple, compassionate gestures.
At Kindred, we stand amazed by the multitude of generous gestures our community extended to us throughout the year. Your trust and unwavering support are treasures for which we are profoundly grateful. Your support enabled us to achieve so much, and for that, we extend our heartfelt thanks. The impact of your support resonates deeply, underscoring the difference we can make together.
To Close, With Kindness
We hope 2023 brought you an abundance of beautiful acts of kindness, both received and shared with your loved ones, newfound friends, and even strangers. Throughout 2024, may kindness continue to be a constant guide and precious gift, enriching your experiences and fostering connections that transcend boundaries. May the ripple of kindness you've encountered in the past year amplify, creating a tapestry of compassion that weaves through the fabric of 2024.