Youth Mental Health Grant

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Kindred Foundation Youth Mental Health Grant

The Kindred Foundation Youth Mental Health Grant is focused on providing financial support to Canadian organizations providing mental health services to Black and/or 2SLGBTQ+ youth across the country.  The goal of the Youth Mental Health Grant is to ensure that organizations directly assisting Black and/or 2SLGBTQ+ youth communities with mental health challenges have the funds they need to carry out their mission.


Kindred Foundation is honoured to be guided by two organizations who are experts and decision-makers in this funding initiative.  The Black Health Alliance is a community-led registered charity working to improve the health and well-being of Black Communities in Canada.  It Gets Better Canada envisions a day when no young person in Canada feels marginalized, isolated, excluded, or rejected because of their sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.  The Black Health Alliance and It Gets Better Canada are co-decision makers on the application review committee.

The Kindred Foundation Youth Mental Health Grant started in 2022.

For more information, please see our one-page summary on the Kindred Foundation Youth Mental Health Grant (PDF).

*2SLGBTQ+: We use the acronym 2SLGBTQ+ but recognize that this does not fully encompass the beautiful diversity of identities.  You are all loved.

2025 Youth Mental Health Grant - Opening in the first quarter of 2025

For a PDF of the information below: Kindred Foundation Youth Mental Health Grant

Grant Details:


*Please note: the definition of "youth" can be defined broadly. Youth, as defined by the Government of Canada, is considered to be from ages 15-34 years old. However, it is up to the organization as to what they classify as "youth."

Non-Eligible Supports:

Important Dates: (2025 dates TBD)


February 26, 2024:         Application window opens

April 8, 2024 at 5pm EST:      Application window closes

End of May 2024:               Communication to applicants



The grant application should be emailed to:


Required Proposal Content and Questions to Answer:


1.  Organization Information:

a.  Name of organization

b.  Address

c.  Telephone

d.  Website and social media channels

e.  Canadian charitable number (if applicable)


2.  Trustee Organization (if applicable):

a.  Name of organization

b.  Address

c.  Telephone

d.  Website and social media channels

e.  Canadian charitable number


3.  Main Contact Person

a.  Name of contact person

b.  Pronouns (optional)

c.  Role/responsibility (relationships with organization)

d.  Telephone Number

e.  Email


4.  Additional Contact Person(s) (if applicable)

a.  Name(s)

b.  Pronouns (optional)

c.  Role/responsibility (relationships with organization)

d.  Telephone Number(s)

e.  Email(s)


5.  Description of the Initiative 

a.  Initiative name

b.  Description

c.  Start and end date of the initiative (if applicable)

d.  Geographic area(s) served (e.g., national, provincial – please specify)

e.  Timelines and project plan (if applicable)

f.   Roles and responsibilities of the individuals involved 


6.  Initiative Goals and Objectives

a.  How do the goals and objectives of the initiative help to support success?  What are the short and long-term objectives?

b.  How does this initiative address the mental health needs of Black and/or 2SLGBTQ+ youth communities?

c.  How does this initiative illustrate characteristics of innovation and sustainability to address community need?


7.  Partners

a.  If applicable, who are the stakeholders and/or partners involved in this initiative?


8.  Evaluation

a.  What evaluation measures will be used to understand the successes and challenges?

b.  What is the team’s vision of success?


9.  Requested Budget

a.  Project/organizational budget

b.  Total amount requested

c.  Please provide a copy of your organization’s most recent annual report


Application Details:

Please make your proposal no more than 3 pages in length (sections 5-7 above included in this page count).  If applicable, references, figures and other supporting documents can be provided in addition to the main proposal in an appendix.  If desired, we are also happy to accept proposals in different formats (e.g., video). 


You will receive a confirmation email when your application is submitted.  All applications are reviewed by a committee made up of Kindred Foundation, It Gets Better Canada and the Black Health Alliance.  We may reach out to you with questions and clarifications, if needed.  Once the final funding decisions are made, all applicants will be contacted.


Successful applicants will also be asked to:

1.  Submit an interim and/or end-of-year report on how the funds were spent and how they made a difference.

2.  Allow information to be shared about the initiative on the Kindred Foundation website.

3.  Provide images or other materials that can be shared by Kindred Foundation (e.g., for social media, annual report, etc.).


Funding application should be emailed to: